School Routine
School commences at 9am and finishes at 3pm.

Bell Times
08.50 am Alert Bell Rings
09:00 am Bell for First Learning Session
11:00 am Big Lunch Recess Begins
11:45 pm Bell for Middle Learning Session
01:30 pm Afternoon Tea Recess Begins
02:00 pm Bell for Afternoon Learning Session
03:00 pm Dismissal
Arrival/Dismissal Times
Children should arrive for school at approximately 8:45am to be ready for the alert bell at 8.50am. They are to play in the designated areas until bell time.
On the other hand, children SHOULD NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 8:30am because of the issue of safety. Teachers are busy preparing for the day and therefore cannot be watching children who arrive early. There is no rostered supervision of the grounds or children before 9am.
For more information about our class times, please contact us.